What are trapped emotions and how do they show up in your body and feet?


What are trapped emotions and how do they show up in your body and feet?

In order to lead a healthy full life, we need to move through all emotions fluently. Emotions are supposed to be felt, processed by the body mind spirit connection, and at some point let go of. And it usually goes like that for positive emotions that result in feeling good. 

However, in society we've learnt that some emotions are apparently not "as good" as other ones. Read on to find out what happens when emotions get suppressed or only partially processed and how this shows up in your feet!


What constipation has to do with our emotions

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What constipation has to do with our emotions

My approach as a physical, emotional and energetic reader is a bit like the one of a personal translator. 

I read the body and all its signs on as many levels as possible. Then I "translate" all physical, emotional and energetic signs I perceive into a language that can be understood in a more straight forward way of the person that is being "read". 

An example is..

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This is why I had to start listening to my Body


This is why I had to start listening to my Body

When I was 16 I got very sick, couldn't go to school for many weeks and nothing that the medical system did for me seemed to help. On the contrary, the more I listened to their advice and ignored my inner feeling going "no way, don't do that", the worse I got.

I was quite stressed out and overwhelmed at the time with one of my close friends wanting to commit suicide, me coaching her and my boyfriend and her not getting along. There was a lot of other stuff going on, but this situation just tipped it over.

Read on, if you'd like to hear what happened next and how my body taught me that I had to listen to it.


6 Steps To Confidence and Empowerment in Your Life and Business


6 Steps To Confidence and Empowerment in Your Life and Business

I've caught up with a bunch of people yesterday and I noticed again just how many people feel intimidated day by day. 
People feel intimidated by successful people or daunted by long journeys. People get overwhelmed by stuff that's expected of them and pressure on self. (I'm no exception!) There is competition and comparisitis (which I call the inflammatory condition around comparing yourself to others that might be more successful, 'further' or 'better' than you). 

There is so much out there that gives us the feeling that we aren't good enough or that we need to know, need or be more. 

How to combat that? How do we find a way to just be us and shine our light? ...


4 Action Steps to Create a Clear Vision for 2018


4 Action Steps to Create a Clear Vision for 2018

The new year has started and we are already a week into it!
If you are one of the ones that had the intention to set goals, but ended up not getting there, or set goals and left it at that, this is for you!
It's for you if you want your goals of losing weight, becoming a better you, having a more connected relationship, living a more fulfilling life etc to come true this time and not just remain wishes in the aether.

If you don't make a plan of how you can best achieve your goals, and follow it straight up with action, your goals most often don't end up happening because you got distracted with the small stuff and details of life that busily kept on happening.

So they accumulate pressure within you as the year progresses, as you can't really see them come true till the end of the year. You keep hoping for a miracle - which most often doesn't happen when we don't consistently show the universe our commitment by taking small but precise steps into the directions of our goal(s).
So you end up disappointed and frustrated at yourself at the end of the year, when you realise that you've achieved way less than you thought you would.
You feel deflated and ultimately robbed of self-confidence, telling yourself that it's no point setting goals at all.

If you however know that miracles are possible, you just don't quite know how to get them to happen, then feel free to take a moment straight away today to work your way through the following 4 steps: ..


4 steps to resolve conflict and be heard


4 steps to resolve conflict and be heard

You use words you know will hurt. You feel totally lost in emotion. You can't seem to recognise yourself and the words that you had prepared in your head for ages in advance seem to be tumbling all over the place. 
Why does this only ever happen if it's your partner or someone else that truly matters to you? You wanna be seen and understood. But you create a nightmare for yourself that leaves everyone drained, misunderstood and upset. 

I get it. I used to be like this myself. Until I learned techniques and practised.. and things changed to the better forever. And I gotta tell you, it is possible. You CAN do it. 
There are ways how to voice your most inner feelings to your loved ones without breaking out in tears. There is a step by step process which you can follow to express yourself in an authentic and straight from the heart way - without getting caught in the emotional whirlwind that carries you away from your original message. And today I'd like you to benefit from this great tool for expression too...


How to avoid the 6 main energy drainers of the silly season and stay calm & energised instead


How to avoid the 6 main energy drainers of the silly season and stay calm & energised instead

Christmas is fast approaching and, if you like it or not, signs are everywhere. How are you feeling about the upcoming time of festivities? Will you be catching up with family? Are you feeling pressured in any way? 

Are you finding yourself getting exhausted at this time of the year? 

What I notice lots with my clients during this time is that besides the usual life happenings that affect them, there is a big load of extra "to dos", expectations (may they be inner or outer), pressures and resulting exhaustion that shows up as general tiredness, swamped-ness, rings under the eyes, oversensitivity, increased back pain and a run down immune system.

Don't let this time of festivities and general busy-ness drain you this year, by avoiding the following 6 main reasons for exhaustion during the silly season!


Are you living ..or merely functioning?


Are you living ..or merely functioning?

We can get pretty caught up in our daily routines. We run from A to B to C and back: We bring the kids to school, run to work, chat to customers and clients all day, run to the next meeting & appointment, race home to make dinner, eat, clean up, get the kids to bed and prepare the next day... Which is a bit of a copy of the previous. Wow!!

Some weeks we have no time off. There is always stuff on. If it's not in appointments and work schedule, it's on in our heads. There are ALWAYS a million things to do!
And this doesn't even count in the dishes, washing and putting away clothes and toys (for the mums under us)!

I get it, I really do.

Especially with Christmas only a month away, I see so many clients and people in my life who take on more and more, just to create that extra cushion for the festive season.

People have the tendency to put themselves last. So here are 5 questions to ask yourself and 6 Ways to start truly living again!


7 Steps to truly Holding Your Space in Life as an Empath


7 Steps to truly Holding Your Space in Life as an Empath

You know those times when you've got stuff to do, but you feel a bit messy inside?
I like referring to this state as feeling 'swamped'. 
It's internal pressure of wanting to perform better, achieve more, but at the same time just feeling soooo much. Not knowing if it's your own stuff, the people you work with or even the whole World's.

There might be feelings coming up in which you don't feel proud of yourself for not taking the steps you so know you should and need to be taking to get to where you want to be. 

You might not feel like you're good enough at what you do, or in your relationships (because you feel you could do so much better). 

What would it give you to learn how to hold your space in all of this, so you could keep moving - without the overwhelm, pressure and general tiredness of having to push through these feelings?

Check out these 7 Steps that you can take in order for you to be able to hold your Space.. 


2 effective Reflexology points to reduce Stress and Anxiety and increase wellbeing


2 effective Reflexology points to reduce Stress and Anxiety and increase wellbeing

It's coming into the busiest time of the year.
Are you ready?
Many of us are running on adrenal energy at the moment; preparing, running, working, organising this often hectic time leading up to the end of the year. 
How are you coping? 
Do you feel flustered, stressed, overwhelmed?
Do your feet ache at the end of your busy days - and even worse, after you get up? 
I'd like to share 2 Reflexology Points with you today that may well change all this around for you. ..


Are you living in denial?


Are you living in denial?

Do you live in denial?

Are you making excuses for putting up with stuff, that you KNOW makes you feel like crap? Have you been telling yourself "yes I know it needs to change, but I'll just put up with it all a bit longer. It's not THAT bad." Yet.
"I'll wait and see. It might all change by itself and get better soon."
But for some reason it isn't. Well, not by itself anyway.

Nothing changes, unless you do. That's a saying, as far as I remember, and I totally agree. I also love this one for exactly the same reason:
"If you do what you've always done, you'll get what you've always got"
I'm sure you've heard it before. And it's so so true.
How can you expect for things to change, if you rigidly and tensely hold onto stuff for dear life? Stuff, that doesn't actually serve you, even worse: that harms you. That limits you. That affects your wellbeing.

But we do it anyway. Why? ...


Are you listening to your body?


Are you listening to your body?

You know those times when you're feeling heavy, tired. Exhausted. 
Things aren't the way you want them to be. A voice in you is screaming - or used to, as now it's much quieter. You know deep down that you don't want to continue this way.. But you're so stuck and somehow scared to look at it, you rather ignore it. Or you might not even know that the possibility exists, that life could be any different. Until it gets so bad that you can't handle it any longer.
You feel powerless. Helpless.

Then you might get sick or you hurt yourself 'by accident', and you must look at it. (Obviously it's much harder to ignore a broken bone than it is to ignore feeling unfulfilled, stuck or out of alignment with something) 
I personally see dis-ease, health conditions or accidents as a way for our higher self to communicate certain messages to us...


7 Reasons Why Spirit Embodiment and Holding Your Space Could Change Your Life Too!

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7 Reasons Why Spirit Embodiment and Holding Your Space Could Change Your Life Too!

You feel swamped. You've just been to the shopping centre and now you feel wiped out. You recall seeing countless faces - sad, happy, stressed, chatting - your mind is spinning!
You feel like lying down and having a sleep. But first you need to get a bit (or more!) chocolate from the cupboard. It will lift the haze. It will give you energy again and make you feel better ..Surely!?
If you've ever felt this way, you know how debilitating it can feel for an empathetic, susceptible person being around crowds, especially if there is no connection between people (ie in shopping centres, tubes, trains etc).  You understand why you feel like going for anything like coffee, alcohol or chocolate to distract you from this horrible feeling of inner swampedness and tiredness.
Some people don't understand. Your family members might say "just don't be so sensitive" or "just don't take it on what others say" - but that doesn't help. They don't get it. It's not that easy.
You feel swamped. Controlled by the energies hanging around people, and you don't even know why. You feel wiped out...

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6 Reasons why we get stuck & what we can do about it


6 Reasons why we get stuck & what we can do about it

Stuck. Overwhelmed. Exhausted.
You're doing your own head in again. Wondering why you are here and what on Earth you need to do to get yourself out of this deep dull feeling of feeling unfulfilled. Or you know why you're here and are annoyed at yourself why you can't seem to move forward. It's like you're stuck in your tracks.

Being on a mission, clear on your purpose and direction seems to be a far away dream right now. You know you're here for a reason, you just don't know what it is that you're meant to be doing. Or you know roughly what it is, you just don't know how to get the ball rolling to living it and get rid of the road blocks that keep popping up.

Have you ever wondered what got you to experience this level of feeling unfulfilled and/or stuck in the first place? ...


8 Ways to deal with Burn out


8 Ways to deal with Burn out

Times are speeding up and people seem to be doing a whole heap of stuff and still aren't getting anywhere. If you're one of them, don't worry, you're not alone (I was there too for a while).

Yes it seems to be a modern epidemic that people race themselves ragged. 

I had to wake up and was forced to look at the way I was doing things for the first time when I got really sick with only 16. It took months before I found Natural Therapies which got me better within a few days!
Back then, I realised three key things that would change my life and later way of treating people forever...


What your level of decisiveness and the gap between your toes have in common

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What your level of decisiveness and the gap between your toes have in common

Have you ever had one of those moments when your boss/parent/partner/friend gives you a go ahead on something, you start planning and preparing, only to find out that a few days later, they pull out again?


Have you ever been in the position yourself that you've gone and excitedly said yes to something, only to find a day or two later you feel really wrong about it? Even worse, now that you've already said yes, you feel terrible because the others are counting on you?


Well in that case, I'd suggest you take off your shoes right now. Yes that's right. Go on :)

Now check the gap between your big toe and your second toe.

Is there a bigger gap? or are they sitting tightly next to each other? ....

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15 Questions to identify if you're burning out and ways to turn it around!


15 Questions to identify if you're burning out and ways to turn it around!

You've been giving, giving, giving again. You care, look after, help out and run around for others. Most often you put yourself last, as that's what we tend to do with the things we know deep down are most important. A part in you knows that if you weren't well, everything would fall apart. You are needed. So you keep pressing on.

Stress is one thing. Extended prolonged periods of stress and pushing yourself too hard another.

Are you watching out for the signs of burn out?
Are you aware of the signs and signals your body is sending you, so you can kick back a gear or two and take the pressure off?

It is so important to catch exhaustion before it develops into a full blown adrenal burn out. Once it hits you, you're so fatigued and wiped out that you can't even get out of bed anymore.
Some of the first signs and signals are slightly disguised and we tend to ignore them, or mistake them for mood swings or hormonal issues. The other warning signals are easily brushed off under the excuse of 'it's busy having a young family', 'work's just busy', 'they need me, I have to do it' etc.

To make it easier to pin point when burn out is slowly creeping its way into your life, I've put together a list of 15 questions to ask yourself: ..


Place an order with the Universe


Place an order with the Universe

Have you ever flicked through a clothing catalogue and then filled in the order form? 
Did you ever send it off with just a note saying “I’d like a singlet.”? 

I mean, what sort of colour, size, product number did it have? Surely you would have made sure that the company receiving the order would have known EXACTLY what you want! You would have stipulated the amount, the colour, size, shape, material, look, price, everything. Just to make sure you would get EXACTLY what you wanted.

Well, it’s much like that with the universe.


3 Steps to Recover from Plantar Fasciitis

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3 Steps to Recover from Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar fasciitis is the painful inflammation of the band of ligaments that runs from the toes to the heel of the foot.

Once the swelling subsides and the initial, severe foot pain caused by plantar fasciitis is under control, you can begin some simple rehab techniques: massaging and stretching.

The 3 Easiest & Best Steps to recover from this painful condition with the greatest results are these:

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How to nourish yourself in busy times

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How to nourish yourself in busy times

You've got big plans, you've got lots on your plate, people depending on you, and you subsequently put yourself further behind than you know you should. But we do it anyway. Why? Because thoughts take over like 'the busy time will hopefully be over soon' or 'I'll be ok. Just one more thing.'

But it doesn't have to be this way, and that's why I used this 'unintended time out' to really reassess and let it be a catalyst for change in my life and way that I had set it up.

So, to remind myself and all of us, of how important it is to balance out a busy lifestyle with lots of self-care and awareness - even in, and especially in! - busy times, I put together a checklist.

This list is for all of us busy bees and it will (hopefully ;) ) keep reminding us of what we need to do EVERY SINGLE day to feel - and keep feeling! - good! ...

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